Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Sad time to be a child

It really is a sad time to be a child. I'm constantly reading about kids being attacked or bullied, and in the most public places. Just today I saw a story out of Houston from KHOU-TV, about a girl who had been threatened by another student. When the girl's mother called the principal at the high school, he claimed he was "on top of it." But three hours later, the girl was beaten by a sock stuffed with a combination lock. I'm sure it's been a while since a lot of you have been in school, but if you don't remember, those things are freakin' heavy! Some people responded to this story with comments about parents sending their kids to school because it's supposed to be a safe place. According to whom, people? School is no more safe than a prison. Yeah, that's right, prison. Sure, there are guards to keep an eye out, but they don't see everything. School isn't supposed to be a safe haven, it's a place to get an education. Well how are those children supposed to get an education when you have savages attacking them when no one is watching. If your kids don't know how to act like human beings in public, get them the hell out of there, and place them somewhere that society doesn't have to worry about them beating or killing someone else who might actually be there to learn. Oh there's a thought. It sucks that we don't live in a perfect world, but you would think that administrators, and educators, and parents would step up their game. It's like no one ever notices until it escalates to the Columbine level. The images are still haunting.
There definitely needs to be a zero tolerance policy when it comes to bullying. When we allow bullies to get away with their actions, it only teaches them that it's acceptable. Well it isn't. Bullies aren't cool, they're assholes. So if you're a bully, you're an asshole, a major asshole. Wow, I'm not a parent, but I can only imagine how parents must worry everyday they have to send their kids to school, not knowing whats going to happen, or if they're kids will come home alive that day. Good manners start in the home. So parents, you may want to sit your child down sometime and have a talk with them. You need to know if your child is a bully, or a victim, and then find out what you can do to help them. There is no reason why a child should fear attending class, I mean, for any reason other than the ever surprising pop-quiz.

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