Friday, December 21, 2018

Royal Family Criticized Over Holiday Card

By Chris Stouffer

Public figures make themselves targets of criticism whether they want to or not. By now we know there's not choice. So of course the Duke and Duchess of Sussex are no exception. Last week Cosmopolitan posted an article which included the picture on the right, and backlash from Meghan Markle's half-sister. The photo shows a silhouette of the Royals as they watch fireworks at their wedding. Honestly, I think it's a beautiful photo.

I get it. Sometimes we tend to try and read between the lines because we want an explanation. What if no explanation is needed? What if we try to hard at times to see something that isn't there? It's possible, right? I'm guilty of it. According to the article, Samantha Markle, Meghan's half-sister, found the photo offensive saying "it's incredibly rude to turn your back on a Christmas photo..."

Is there proper Christmas Card etiquette that the rest of the world isn't aware of? If there is, I certainly wasn't aware of it. An article lasts year on Eventbrite gives tips on some easy etiquette rules to remember when sending out holiday cards, but there isn't any rule which indicates you shouldn't have your back turned. There is however a rule on pictures of you alone with your cat, as to not remind everyone how sad the situation looks (insert laughing emoji here). Obviously that rule is intended to make the reader laugh, so don't read into it.

Some of you may agree and some of you may not, but that's neither here nor there. Some of you could care less about the photo, and that's fair. For those of us who aren't personal friends of the Royal Family, it just doesn't matter. I still think it's a beautiful photo. What are your thoughts? Do you follow any rules of etiquette when including a photo with your holiday card? If so, please share in the comments below. Have a happy holiday season, and be nice to someone.