Monday, May 31, 2010

Jay Leno and Kevin Eubanks Split Up

After 18 years with The Tonight Show, Kevin Eubanks is leaving to pursue his music career. And who can blame him? I'm not sure how long I'd have been able to put up with an indecisive, overrated, former comedian. I mean really...if you're going to retire.....then RETIRE! Don't start whining about someone younger and funnier taking over your former spot. That's why it's called retirement, because you're outta there!!

And according to, Eubanks didn't even get a great send off from Leno. He performed an original instrumental called "Adoration," then had the host himself walk over and according to Adam B. Vary "the two shared what has to be one of the more awkward hugs between two grown men I’ve ever seen."

Very nice Leno. Once again, you've proven to be a real douche bag! Good luck to you Kevin.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

Beer Tax? Washington not happy.

So I just heard that Congress has decided it would be a great idea to hike up beer tax. It was a proposal pitched by Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa). According to the New York Post, it was a proposal the senators didn't exactly support, but rather just pitched as a way of paying for the President's healthcare reform plan.

So now beer drinkers in Washington will be spending another $.28 per six-pack. It's what some residents there referred to as a "sin tax." The new tax goes into affect on Tuesday, giving holiday drinkers just a couple of days to enjoy their beer of choice before getting slapped with the higher taxes.

And it isn't just beer tax that will be going up. Bottled water and candy will also be affected. Next month, soda also gets a higher tax. Just another one of the meager luxuries that hard working Americans will be forced to pay more for. It seems the government these days is trying to get their hands on everything, taking over everything, telling us what they think is good/not good for us.

When does it end? When we become the new communist country? I guess it's supposed to help the government meet their budgets, but why should it be at the expense of hard working lower class families and individuals who already have enough trouble of their own trying to make ends meet? Today Washington, tomorrow Texas perhaps. It is too much to ask to just let me enjoy a beer now and then? :(

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Sex and the City

So I saw another ad For SATC2 while watching and episode of the actual show. I think the plot is almost ridiculous for this movie, but because all my friends will be watching it, I guess I must too. It's slated to be a big spectacle, maybe even bigger than the original. But I wonder if the writers are running out of ideas. How far fetched is it that Carrie travels halfway around the world and runs into her ex. WEIRD!

I guess what I really wanted to talk about is the characters in the show. For those of you who watched the entire run of the series, you'll remember how in the first season they actually had like mini confessionals with random characters in any given episode. I was so glad they stopped that. And remember how much each character had changed after that first season. Charlotte had like a closeted slutty side to her. She later became such a prude.

What I like is how groups of friends always connect with the group of friends on the show. For anyone who saw Bruno (which I didn't, but I recall the trailer), or at least the trailer, you'll recall how he's out in the woods with some hunters and he asks which SATC character they would be. It's true. You hear friends amongst themselves often comparing which friend would be which character. (Raising hand) I know because I've been a victim of this.

What makes me laugh though is that I've been compared to almost every character on there, depending on which friend of mine and at what time in my life you were referring to. I can see a little bit of myself in each one, but I would really hate to be labeled any one in particular. Just because they're all a little too much in their own ways. I think it's funny thought when I hear someone compare me to Carrie because I'm a writer. I have to think to myself, "come on, I'm a news writer, not a columnist. And I truly hope I don't whine quite as much as she does!"

Did you even notice how much she complained about everything. I once told a friend of mine that she was the equivalent to Brenda on 90210, only because he was such a Shannen Dougherty fan. So then just a few months ago, someone had made me aware of a show that had some similarities to SATC. The show is called Noah's Ark. I don't know how many of you have seen this, but let me warn you's ridiculous! What I'm saying is that it's just something I don't care to watch. I don't want someone to misinterpret what I'm saying like the word "sick" being used to describe something that back in my childhood days would have been "bad ass." I think you get the picture.

So this movie comes out like in less than a month and I've already gotten offers from so many different friends about when and how and where we will be watching this film. If they all wanted to do it on different days, it would be simple. But turns out everyone wants to go to the midnight show the night before it opens. This might be a problem. So now I have to find out which of my friends are going to really go all out, so that I may base my decision on that. Well come on, I'm Mr. Popularity, I've got to go with a group of people who are going to make an impression.

So which character am I? I'd love to hear your thoughts. And to refrain from embarassing me, you may send me a message rather than just posting something for everyone to see. But for those of you who don't give a damn, please....PLEASE....feel free to make a fool of me. Afterall, comments can be deleted...LOL!