Thursday, May 31, 2012

Breastfeeding is a very natural thing, no matter who you are

I feel that it was my duty to totally chime in on this one. I heard about this photo of two military moms breast-feeding in uniform on The Billy Madison Show on 99.5 KISS FM this morning. Now granted, I don't listen to that show, I have to say, I was offended at some of the content, then laughed at other parts, so I think they did their job. Ok, back to the military moms. I'm not a mom, I certainly don't care for breasts (being gay and all), so chill the fuck out people. It's really sad that mom's get some bad flack for feeding their kids naturally. Unless their abusing their kids in anyway, let it be already.

There were so many mixed opinions, not only on The Billy Madison Show, but also on Today Moms, a section of the Today Show online website. In fact, Today Moms referenced another ex-military mom's blog where she too has stood up for military moms who breast-feed in uniform. One of the quotes that I thought was idiotic came from a woman whom the site referred to as a retired captain in the Marine Corps who advocated for breast-feeding moms in the military, and who as a civilian still nurses freely on base. She said commented the following:

“I would never nurse in uniform. I took my child to the bathroom or a private office when her nanny brought her to me …. Not because I was ashamed of nursing, nor of being a mother. All the guys knew I pumped. The military is not a civilian job. We go to combat and we make life or death decisions, and not just for ourselves but for those we lead. The same reason I would never nurse in uniform is the same reason I do not chew gum, or walk and talk on my cell phone, or even run into the store in my utility uniform. ... We are warfighting professionals. Women before us have worked too hard to earn and retain the respect of their male peers. I don’t want my Marines to look at me any other way than as a Marine. When I am asking them to fly into combat with me and do a dangerous mission, I do not want them to have the mental image of a babe at my breast. I want them to only see me as a Marine. Let’s be a realistic folks. We give up many freedoms being in the military…Breastfeeding in front of my fellow Marines was one of them."

Maybe one of the reasons I can't agree with this moron is that, yes, you do give up a lot of freedoms when you enter the service, but being a mom should not be one of them. Her last statement, to me, sounds like maybe she believes having children should be a freedom all military women give up when they enlist. Just because you're in the military, it doesn't make you a fucking robot. If your kid is a few years older and you're in the store with this child who happens to be whining about some toy he/she wants, do you just ignore it and continue to stand at attention, or do you react? And I understand the military is not a civilian job, but give me a break. You're not the only ones who make life and death decisions for yourself or the people you lead. If you're a soccer mom, or a coach, and you have a car full of kids, you bet your ass they have to make life and death decisions when driving those little ones around. When I drive my car, I'm making life and death decisions based on WTF situation I'm in. So save your whining for someone that gives a shit because I certainly don't, at least, not with your ridiculous argument.

The fact that you're female in the military has already won you a great amount of respect. Whether you're a woman or not, I don't care. I don't care if you're a man, woman, straight, doesn't matter. If you're serving this country, you're serving this country, period! So get your head out of your ass and support military moms who breast-feed their kids, just like any other moms who breast-feed their kids, whether in uniform or not. I also can't believe that people would compare women in uniform breast-feeding to someone urinating in public. That's the same thing as saying: breast-feeding your kids in public is the same as urinating in public, therefore, when you breastfeed your kids, you're urinating on them.

Shut the F up! Really? Who the hell compares those two things to each other, seriously? If you're a mom (especially a mom in uniform) who breast-feeds, I salute you. It's a brave thing, especially when you have to take so much criticism from idiots. The way I see it, if you've made the decision to be a mom, and you decide you're going to breast-feed your kids, well those kids come first, especially at such a young age. They're certainly not going to feed themselves. Now you can either agree with me, or you can agree to disagree. It's your opinion, just as it is mine. So feel free to chime in and let me know how you feel about the whole thing.


  1. I am not against breast feeding but in uniform just does not make sense. I agree with every word the Marine who wrote what she said.. It is very true and unless you have served in the armed forces you would not understand the hardships many females went through just to be seen as equal in the military.. I was in the Army and females do work harder and push themselves so much more so their male counterparts do not think of them as a weak link. Now these females want to breast feed in uniform.. i laugh at it just seems ridiculous to me.. Breast feed when u are out of uniform or if you have to breast feed while in uniform do it in private.. Would you want to see a female cop breast feeding her baby, or a female fire fighter.... How about a teacher breast feeding.. There is a time and place for everything...

  2. You're right Paula, there is a time and a place, but if you're baby is hungry, you have to do what you have to do as a parent. I wouldn't mind a police officer, or teacher, or firefighter breast-feeding their baby. They're human also, and unless there's a rule against it, then let there be breasts.
