Monday, June 25, 2012

If you have to ask patriotism or racism, the choice is obvious

I mean, really, if you have to ask whether something is patriotism or racism, chances are it's going to be the latter, otherwise no one would be questioning it. This story is old, but for those of you not familiar with it, I thought I'd rehash the headline for you once more.

It was Saturday, March 3, the playoff basketball game between two San Antonio schools, Thomas Edison and Alamo Heights high schools. Mind you, Alamo Heights is a predominantly Anglo campus, while Edison is predominantly Latino. When the buzzer sounded, Alamo Heights came out on top with a 50-39 win over Edison, but it was what happened after that made national news.

As the Alamo Heights Mules were presented the championship trophy, the Mules' fans began chanting from the bleachers, "USA, USA, USA." It was a chant that would be heard around the country and one that did not sit well with officials of the San Antonio Independent School District. SAISD athletic director Gil Garza, filed a complaint with the University Interscholstic League, an agency which governs extracurricular activities for Texas public schools. Although Garza credited Alamo Heights head coach, Andrew Brewer, for putting a stop to the taunting, he said it was these kind of attacks that make minorities feel that they are not wanted in this country.

Alamo Heights superintendent Kevin Brown apologized to SAISD and informed them those involved in the incident would be banned from attending the state semi-finals game. He added that the students are teenagers, and that kids make mistakes.

SAISD spokesperson Leslie Price told KSAT-12 News that the actions of the opposing school's fans was "very disprespectful."

Fox News host Greta Van Susteren also weighed in on the controversey, "A San Antonio Independent School District spokeswoman defended Thomas Edison High School. She claims chanting 'USA' is not wrong in the appropriate context, but in this case it was targeted at a school that is predominantly Hispanic."

I couldn't agree more with Price on that. But what bothers me, is when idiots decide to post comments regarding the matter, and are not educated enough to read the entire article or listen to the entire story before making ignorant remarks. Here are a couple of comments I pulled from the KSAT-12 web site. And yes, I am actually putting some San Antonio assholes on blast here:

Jeri Cooper said:

"This is the USA and Americans are all colors. Were people from other countries at the game or what? Since when arent' minorities proud to be an American. I don't get it. If this is about anti-American Hispanic students who burn our flags and wave their own in our country, then they need the wake up call. This is America. If you are a citizen or here legally, I would hope you respect this country. USA USA USA If that offends you, get the hell out."

Well of course you don't get it you stupid inbred fucktard. The issue here isn't American pride. The issue is chanting "USA" to a group of minorities at a high school basketball game, not an international basketball game, but perhaps the next comment from Ismael Jr, can put some sense into the previous moron:

"I'm proud to be an American, and I am Hispanic, but when is it ok to chant USA to kids when it is not countries playing and winning. It's a high school winning. Chant for the high school, not the country. When our Olympic team wins, then chant USA. I'm ready to chant USA, but not for some young teenagers. Check yourself."

This next comment from Tyler Hall worries me:

"Why the **** can Mexicans be proud of their country, but it's racist if you're white."

Tyler, bless your heart. Again, someone implying that the U.S. was in the playoffs with Mexico. I think you may have been at the wrong game. Go back to texting your high school bff, and studying for the STAAR. You'll get it one day.

These next two....well, you decide because I couldn't stop laughing!

South Park Conservatives: "If chanting USA! USA! USA! is racist, what is chanting "Si se puede!?"

Ismael Jr: "Learn some Spanish...."Si se puede" is saying "yes you can" not "Viva Mexico."

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