Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A-List: New York gives D-List performances

As one Facebook friend of mine said, "That show set gay rights back 50 years. It shows that gays are ignorant, selfish, pretty, cunty fags." Well I don't know that I'd quite put it that way, ouch. But he makes a valid point. The show is about 5 homosexuals living in New York, living the "A-List" lifestyle. Although not all of them deserve to be on that list, others are doing great for themselves. Let's introduce the men, shall we?

Reichen: This guy is a douche bag in every sense of the word. He obviously likes to keep up his appearance. He's constantly working out on the show. It's just too bad there's nothing he can do about his gaunt face. Reichen is dating Rodiney, a Brazilian model he met while in Miami. He brought Rodiney with him to New York and pretty much allowed him to live there for free, then pretty much had the audacity to throw it in his face. First of all, it was Reichen who brought Rodiney to NY, and made it seem ok that he wasn't working. Reichen was best known for two things. He was the winner on The Amazing Race, season 4 and he dated singer Lance Bass. He was a model and jewelry designer, and actor, although his stint on a gay Broadway musical may cast doubts on the latter. He's a total player, and it shows throughout the show as he flirts with any and every guy that crosses his path. But here's the best part...the asshole seems to have a different explanation when it comes to each of his friends, all so that they don't look at him as the douche bag that he really is. Well luckily, audiences aren't really tuning in to see him every week.

Derek: This guy is a former model, turned agent. He's sort of the pretty boy of the group, but totally high maintenance. His biggest enemy on the show is the immature and wannabe Austin. Derek makes his distaste for Austin very apparent throughout the show, but Derek's got a few things to learn himself. Derek is 27 and claims he's ready to settle down and find Mr. Right. Only problem is, he's not very experienced in the matter. In the latest episode, he had dinner with a man he had previously met named Roberto, ten years his senior. So the two had known each other for what seemed like maybe a couple of weeks, if that, and Derek tells Roberto that he wants the him to meet his mother. WhoTF does that??? That's just relationship suicide! You don't introduce someone you just met to your parents. It's my opinion that you first have to really know someone before you try and get your family to know them. Derek, get a clue!

Mike: Mr. Ruiz doesn't get as much airtime as the other guys. Then again, his life isn't as dramatic as the other guys either. Mike is probably one of the most likable guys on the show because you don't get to see very much of his personal life. He's a famous photographer who has photographed such people as Margaret Cho to Betty White to Zac Effron. He's also directed music videos for Kelly Rowland, Jody Watley and Kristine W. He's seems like a great all-around guy...what else is there to say?

Austin: This kid's claim to fame was his short-lived relationship with designer Marc Jacobs. He was a former model who happened to catch the famous designer's eye, and just as quickly, ended up throwing the kid out to the curb. Austin returned to NY to try to return to the modeling scene, but agents seem to think he's too fat. So in the meantime he decides to make everyone's life a nightmare. He's the kind of kid who thinks he's got everything going for him because he's much younger than the others. The truth is, nobody likes him...well except for Reichen, but we've already discussed that whore.

And finally my favorite of them all...

Ryan: This guy is a stylist with his own salon. I think what makes Ryan stand out to me most is that he's everyone's friend, and he's constantly consoling everyone to get the dish on everyone else. He's so fun to watch. On several occasions, he had invited Austin out to see if there was any way he could help him with his own connections. He would take these opportunities to find out what Austin had to say about Reichen (the two had a past), and how he felt about Derek (whom Austin has openly admitted to hating). Ryan's dramatic expressions will have you rolling on the floor laughing! He's always so calm about everything, but he's clever with how he goes about things. Ryan's assistant, TJ, is just as flaming as the red hair on his head. TJ seems to have no morals, but he can be fun to watch for a laugh or two. I just think it's great that Ryan has a little sidekick.

Watch new episodes of the A-List: New York every Monday night at 9pm on Logo. It's the cattiest, bitchiest, and most scandalous one hour on tv that you'll never get back! It also shows that there are bitchier queens out there than the ones you know personally.


  1. Reichen is my favorite on the show. I gotta come to his defense. I'm watching the show too and it clearly spells out he didn't cheat on Rodiney. Why is he a whore? I can't imagine that he's not one of the 100 best looking people in the country. If his face is "gaunt" I must be really ugly. You obviously hate him for personal reasons. Probably jealousy, like anyone else who talks badly about anyone. He didn't bring Rodiney to New York. Rodiney is a grown man, right? He moved to NY and did it without a job. Shouldn't everyone work? Since when is a boyfriend responsible for his boyfriends bills? Reichen seems normal, hot, and successful. As well as honest. Are we watching the same show?

  2. Um, yes we are? My question is, are we reading the same blog? I spelled it out for you. It can't get any simpler than that. My reasons for disliking him are all there. There's not jealously. He's not attractive. Why should I be jealous of his looks. He claims to be an actor, which clearly he isn't. I'm a journalist. I gave him credit for his success. Where I didn't give him credit was his character. I'm not at work, I'm allowed to have an opinion. I'm just glad the show is over. It's going to be a shame if they bring it back for another season. It was absolutely horrible.

  3. Oh wow, I had to revisit this blog after it came across my mind recently for some odd reason. Maybe I saw Reichen's name somewhere recently, but either way, it just kind of put a smile on my face. The show was interesting, not my favorite, but definitely one that pulled me in. Such as the Kardashians, whom I've always claimed to dislike, and still do to this day. I may dislike them, but that doesn't keep me from watching their show sometimes. I think I was really just more grateful that you commented Cam. I was happy that someone actually took a couple of minutes to read my blog. I was unfair in my critique of the actor (doesn't mean I now consider him one though). He is however a smart, and successful business man. Maybe the word "gaunt" was a little over-dramatically used on my part. I just thought his facial structure was somewhat odd. Perhaps it was actually finely chiseled. I really don't know. But I do have to wonder what the cast members are doing now. Maybe I'll look them up tonight. I have no plans. Hey Cam....thanks again for leaving your comment. I apologize for not thanking you from the beginning. :)
