Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Thirteen Reasons Why Jay Asher got it right.

By Chris Stouffer

The Netflix series Thirteen Reasons Why has created quite a buzz on the net. Variety called 13 Reasons the most tweeted show in 2017.

Since it's premiere on March 30, the show amassed more than 11 million tweets according to Twitter data obtained exclusively by Variety. The series is captivating, to say the least. Based on the best-selling novel by Jay Asher and produced by actress and recording artist, Selena Gomez, 13 is probably one of the better shows I've watched in a long time that isn't on a television or cable network.

Dylan Minnette (Prisoners, Don't Breathe) plays alongside newcomer Katherine Langford as, Clay, a teen who eerily receives a package with recordings of his high school crush/coworker, Hannah, just two weeks after she commits suicide. The recordings explain her 13 reasons for ending her own life, while taking Clay all over town allowing him to experience her pain and see what exactly happened from her own POV.

When I first heard about the Netflix original, I almost dismissed it immediately. I thought, "Ok, this has been done before: school misfit is bullied, therefore she plots revenge on all those who played a part in her demise. Hello?! Do the titles Carrie or The Craft ring a bell?!" Maybe I was somewhat right, but as I invested my time in watching, I thought I'd give you 13 reasons why I feel Asher really pulled this off fantastically in keeping the reader/viewer's attention.

REASON 1: Originality - While I may have already explained above that the premise is not all that original, what I found to be original, especially for kids today, was the methodology he used to tell the story. The media behind the madness. Its an antiquated source, but it was poetic and it made you see our protagonist as a young girl beyond her years. Although some may say what she did was cowardly, it forces you to put yourself in her shoes.

REASON 2: It's not another Carrie - So it's not actually a rip off of Brian DePalma's 1976 horror (which by the way introduced us to actors who went on to have huge Hollywood careers: Sissy Spacek, Amy Irving, John Travolta, Nancy Allen). Unlike it's sequel The Rage (1999) and it's failed 2013 reboot, the original DePalma film which was based on a Stephen King novel, Carrie had a great story line. Similarities you may see in 13 Reasons are the fact that it's based on a best-seller, the fantastic storyline and possibly some actors coming away from this to become huge stars. Some of these newbies give outstanding performances in this series.

REASON 3: High school drama - Let's face it, despite the fact some of us left our high school days far behind, the same drama seems to have lingered. Not necessarily in your personal life, but in some of the places you go. I'm sure you've seen it yourself. As a matter of fact, I saw it this past Saturday while out having a drink. Just like Clay's character witnesses Hannah's experience first-hand, you too will see how awful high school kids can actually be when unsupervised. It not only puts things into perspective when it comes to high school, but it may also make you see how people in your lives now are still trapped in the past with their attitudes and immature gossip.

REASON 4: Eye-opener for parents - Those of you who think your kids are a drop of golden sun on a beautiful morning meadow, or perhaps an angel floating on a cloud sitting on a whisper, you really need to take a closer look. Don't talk to your kids. Instead ask them questions. Don't turn it into an interrogation, but find out who their friends are. Get to know their friends. Meet their friends' parents. Find out where your kids like to go when they're out of school. Otherwise, stop telling others your child is a saint when in fact you're not sure if it's actually the spawn of Satan living under your roof. Anyone remember McCaulay Culkin in The Good Son? Asher will make you question who your children really are and what they might be doing when no one is looking.

REASON 5: Great cast - So I mentioned this a couple of reasons above. I stand by it. There are times I want to just slap Clay for not telling someone what he knows, but that's the beauty of it. Asher wants me to feel this way. He wants you invoke these emotions in you which is why it's too compelling to stop watching. Friends turn on each other, while clueless jocks make tug at your hearts with their stupidity (in a really cute way), nerds expressing their profound love for the one they think they can never have, and bad boys....well, they just get all the fun parts. It's all convincingly sinister enough to make you want to throw a book at your television.

REASON 6: The vulnerability - If you don't feel bad for Hannah, something it terribly wrong with you. Yes, she seems a bit much at times, and another classmate even tells her at one point, "Did you ever think maybe you bring this all on yourself?" Perhaps everyone around her is thinking the same thing, but it's because so many have a part in her demise. It's sad that nobody else can see what's happening. I can't say too much. You have to watch it yourself.

REASON 7: Josh Hamilton - If you don't see Clay's dad as a DILF in this movie (I hate to objectify him, but yum), then you probably didn't think he was sexy in Alive (1993), With Honors (1994), House of Yes (1997), or any of the other numerous movies I could eat him up in....ok, so that may not be your thing. Oh, and for those of you who don't know who Josh Hamilton is, watch a movie from time to time....geez!

REASON 8: Teenage suidice...DON'T DO IT! - If the thought of Big Fun just came to mind, then YOU. ARE. AWESOME. This however is not a reference to the fictitious song from the cult classic Heathers (another revenge movie, btw). I was told by someone I work with that there has been much talk about this show because of the theme it tackles. Some seem to think it glorifies suicide. Take for example WSYX ABC 6 in New Albany Ohio.

WSYX ran a story about New Albany Middle School administrators sending home flyers to parents warning them about the show. First of all, there was no story, unless you mentioned the only ones glorifying suicide were the administrators and the news station for making it out to be more than it was, which it WAS NOT a news story. Find something good to talk about then get back to doing the news! If you're a parent and aren't mature enough to discuss suicide with your children, there's a problem. The news story discussed that suicide has to do with mental health. Apparently they didn't do their research and watch the show. The show just so happens to deal with issues that could affect mental health, which might lead to suicide. According to one of their reporters, they reached out to Netflix for a comment. That's like me trying to get Donald Trump to reply to any single tweet of mine. Good luck with that. If this show glorifies suicide, I'd really, REALLY hate to hear what they'd have to say about Heathers. The truth is suicide is an awful thing. This show in no way glorifies suicide. It does however make you understand pain, loss, and grievance.

REASON 9: The dialogue - Remember when Scream was first released in theatres. It was the beginning of a new generation of movies, one that had a higher intellect when it came teen talk. It wasn't like slasher films from the past. Not only did you need a smarter killer, you needed smarter victims - hence the great dialogue that came with. Soon came the copycat films: Urban Legend, I Know What You Did Last Summer, Final Destination, etc. You get the point. Getting back to the actual point...The scene at Monet's in episode 11 with shade being thrown between Ryan and Courtney is EVERYTHING!

REASON 10: Most Tweeted - If the intro to this blog didn't catch your attention or stick, then I'll say it again. The most tweeted show of 2017 with over 11-million tweets since March 30! I mean, that's gotta say something, right?




So now that you know, and you've reached the end of this blog, I have nothing more to say. If you still don't believe 13 Reasons is a new cult classic, then you just wasted your time and mine. But I know you believe GO WATCH IT!

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