Monday, January 31, 2011

the social network experience

I finally got around to watching The Social Network, and it made me realize that I did not even have a clue about Mark Zuckerberg until I saw this movie. I'm not claiming that what I saw in the film was completely accurate as I did not do the research, not did I make this film. But the film certainly made Zuckerberg out to be an arrogant, backstabbing, manipulative douchebag! And that's me being kind.

I remember the first time I signed up for Facebook, I was a senior at Southwest Texas State University (now Texas State University). Someone had sent me an email inviting me to the social network. In fact, if I remember correctly, it was my friend Liz. And of course she was the same person who originally got me started on MySpace way back in the day! But we're not even going there, so lets move on.

At the time, I was a MySpace junkie, although no one would ever admit to that anymore. At least no one my age. I got an invite for Facebook, but was hesitant to try it as I'm sometimes opposed to change. This was back when you had to have a college email in order to become a user. I created an account, but never really logged in again until about a year later when a new friend of mine, Marissa, insisted that I check it out. I distinctly remember telling her that I was sure I was already a member, but that I had never really bothered to check it out.

I decided to log in, and see what it was all about. I'll have to say, like most of you on there, I wasn't comfortable at first. It took a little getting used to, but after a while, I was able to make the transition from the dreaded MySpace to Facebook. Wow, did I transition! I became a Facebook addict. To this day, it's non-stop almost. Like I get a high from checking comments left on my posts and leaving comments for others. It's crazy at times, and ridiculous all at the same time. Who would have thought that making yourself so open to the public would give you such a rush?

Then you have all the protesters who claim they have no privacy on the social network. Darling, first of all, it's exactly that....a social network! Privacy is not really an option. I mean, yes, there are privacy settings in place that you can use, but Facebook, or any other social media outlet for that matter, is all about putting your private life in the public eye. If you have a problem with it, don't use it, plain and simple! It kind of irks me when parents claim that predators can see what their children are doing. Maybe they shouldn't give their children computers. Problem solved.

I think the funny thing I realized tonight after watching the movie, The Social Network, is that yes, they did portray Zuckerberg and his idea of Facebook (or not his idea, as the movie portrays) as a way to meet girls. I never saw Facebook as a dating network. I still don't. Since day one, I saw it as a means of networking. I don't know, call me naive, but that's how I saw it. It's really a great tool to meet people from all sorts of trades (not to meet pervs! lol). I have met so many people on Facebook, near and far. It's really interesting to see what people are like in different regions of the world.

I have to say though, going back to Zuckerberg, I just can't believe the character in the movie. So he claims it wasn't an accurate portrayal, yet he was allowed to see the screenplay before they started shooting. Why didn't he make any objections then? I don't think I could ever do to my best friends what he did to his. It's sad...just sad. Again, I don't know how accurate the story was, but to do all those horrible things, and for what? Because you're jealous of your best friend. I don't know that I could ever turn my back on a best friend, and I would hope they would feel the same about me. But watching this movie made me realize this guys is an asshole, plain and simple. I thought he even looked like one on Saturday Night Live, and I hadn't even seen the movie yet!

He might be the youngest billionaire in America, but he may also be the youngest asshole billionaire in the country.

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