Monday, April 5, 2010

Anti-abortion IS anti-life!

Those people who threaten to stop abortions by using whatever force they deem necessary is so contracictory to their cause. Are they blind or just plain stupid??? How the F do they figure that saving one baby by killing an entire hospital is worth the sacrifice?

These fools should be tied to a chair and have a cigarette put out in their eye. No but seriously, they're in dire need of help. They're doing the very same thing that they're against. They're taking lives. This came to mind tonight after reading about a man in Plano, Texas who threatened to use deadly force to stop abortion. In the article, 27-year-old Erlyndon J. Lo said his religions beliefs entitled him to use deadly force to stop an abortion?

Oh really? Well then my personal beliefs entitle me to stop your dick from ever assisting in any type of reproductive manner. You dumb ass! I hope he gets slapped with a two pound dildo in public. That oughtta teach him a lesson. Ugh, you'll have to excuse my vulgarity. Stupidity upsets me sometimes.

Maybe this is the reason government is so insistent on removing religion from everything. Sure the govenment seems to have too much control over what is supposed to be a free country, but in some forms, religion also seems to be an excuse for some people to do very bad things. I feel like this discussion could go on forever, so I won't even take it there.

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